14 June 2012

To Avoid (my) Confusion

Yes, I know I'm way off on my days in the 15 Habits of Great Writers. I found out about it late but still wanted to join in. I might have the dates wrong and I might skip a day or two but I'm still in it. I might not be blogging it everyday (though I will try harder) but I'm still working on it in my life. 

Right now I'm trying to decide if I play catch-up or just join the party where they're at now, which happens to be Day 8. 

As my Mother-in-Law says, "Better late than never!" :-)

13 June 2012

Love at First Sight

"May I hold him now?" I ask nervously. My baby, six hours old, laying in the NICU with wires attached to his tiny body.

He was five hours old before I laid eyes on him. My baby boy. The doctors whisked him away after the C-section; my first glimpse of him was on the anesthesiologist's cell phone. I think he felt my pain at not seeing my baby and knowing something was wrong. He left my side for  a moment and brought back the vision of my son. 

I wish I had thought in that moment to have him send it to me.

After my time in recovery, which I was told was amazingly quick, I was moved into my own room. I was thankful the bed next to mine was empty; there are some moments you don't want to share with strangers. You know?

It took over an hour for someone to figure out where they had taken our son. I was so mad.

A new mama shouldn't have to ask to hold her child.  But I did. With so many wires on him I wasn't sure I'd be allowed too. Finally, hours later I held my son for the first time. And I knew what it meant to fall in love at first sight. 

I love you, my baby boy, with all my heart.

Excuses, Excuses!

Nothing but one excuse after another. There comes a point when I drive myself crazy.  Take tonight for instance;  I wanted to write something. Anything. Just to get some words out on paper.. or in this case the computer screen. 

Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, it should have been. But I have this thing you see; I can't write until things are a certain way. The house has to be clean, dishes done, desk cleared off and quiet.  Not something easily attained when you have a family!  Of course, I can't blame the family because I was the same way in college.

Tonight I hope to have used my last excuse. I WILL sit down everyday and write*. I WILL write if the dishes are in the sink. I WILL write if it's a little noisy - that's what editing is for, right? :) I WILL write, I WILL write, I WILL WRITE.

If I made a declaration the other day of being a writer I better damn well write something.

And so I will. :)

No more excuses.

*I write daily but unless I think it's decent I don't count it as "writing". I need to stop those thoughts. 

~ * ~ * ~* ~ * ~

This is Day 3 in the Great Writers Series.  

I didn't make it up 2 hours early but I stayed up 2 hours later last night. I'm going to adjust a bit to see what works for me. Regardless though, I will carve out 2 hours a day to write - so help me!

12 June 2012

Renew My Strength

This is Day 2 in the Great Writers Series.

You’re going to get up two hours early and write. 

Are. You. Kidding. Me?!?!  

We'll see how it goes. :)

Recovering Self-Injurer

Update: I made it. :)

Tomorrow  it will be 1 year since the last time I cut myself. Not sure I’m gonna make it…

 (Source: Flickr / junessareturns)

11 June 2012

Bold Statement

Day 1 in the Great Writers Series.

I am a writer.

That's the first time I've ever written that. I've yet to say it out loud to someone. Anyone.

I'm not a great writer - sometimes I'm hardly good - but I do write. And that makes me a writer.

With time - and practice - I will improve and hone this craft I'm so passionate about. I used to be much better, but time away has caused my talent (if you'll allow me to call it that) to slack. I used to write articles for a couple small newsletters - read fewer then 20 people read them - but I still wrote them and I believe I still have my first published article somewhere.

Why do I write?

I write:
to express myself
to be heard
to relax
because I feel I have something to say
because I love taking fresh, crisp, blank paper and filling it with my thoughts, dreams, desires, stories, poetry..

I write because I can't not write. Even if no one will ever read it, I still write. Every day. I carry a journal in my purse, everywhere I go. I have at least two shelves full of filled journals, and those are some of my most treasured possessions.

For me, writing is  oxygen.   Breathe in ... exhale ... write some more.

Join me here...

05 June 2012

Life Verse?

I've never had a life verse. I'm not entirely this one will be the one either, but for now I love it.  It speaks to me and it suits me. It fits where I am in life right now, what I'm aiming for.

"My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the King, shaping the river into words." 

Psalm 45:1